How to Fix MACHINE_CHECK_EXCEPTION hal.dll Blue Screen Error

The Blue Screen of Death Errors, also known as STOP errors, is one of the most serious errors in Windows 10. Errors of this type can be caused by faulty hardware. Therefore, it is important to know how to fix errors such as MACHINE CHECK EXCEPTION. MACHINE CHECK EXCEPTION can cause many problems on your … Read more


The Blue Screen of Death is so infamous that it has its own acronym: BSOD. They are not as common on Windows 10 as they are on older versions of Windows. Having said that, they are still the headache they always had when they first happened. This is especially true if the BSOD is accompanied … Read more

(Solved) Repairing Error Code 0xc0000428 BSOD

When starting your computer, you may see a blue screen of death with error code 0xc0000428. When you encounter this error, it means that you cannot start your computer normally. Typically, when this error code 0xc0000428 occurs, you receive the following message: Your computer / device needs repair.The operating system could not be loaded because … Read more

Fix DPC_WATCHDOG_VIOLATION Blue Screen Error (Solved)

If you are using a Windows computer, especially Windows 8 / 8.1 and Windows 10, you may be familiar with the DPC Watchdog Violation error as it has become one of the most common errors on the Windows platform. If this error occurs on your Windows computer, you are not alone as I have received … Read more


0x0000003B The system_service_exception error is one of the blue screen errors that can occur after updating Windows 10. In fact, such a BSoD (Blue Screen of Death) error also appears on the previous Windows system. If you’re having trouble with error checking code 0x0000003B in Windows 10, don’t worry and read on to find out … Read more


The Windows Hardware Failure Architecture (WHEA) fatal error is a Windows shutdown code that appears on a blue screen. When this error occurs, your computer usually collects some diagnostic data and then resets it. If the underlying problem persists, your computer may crash again with the same fatal WHEA error message. Fatal WHEA errors are … Read more

How to Repair 0x0000001a BSOD Error

If your Windows PC suddenly crashes with a blue screen MEMORY_MANAGEMENT error message with stop code 0x0000001A, there may be a hardware issue. It could be an issue with your RAM or hard drive, or malware that consumes all of your computer’s memory and causes it to crash. This error can also occur when updating … Read more

How to Fix Wdf01000.sys Blue Screen Error

Many users have reported Wdf01000.sys blue screen error when trying to install or run a program. The error also occurs when trying to load a specific driver. Wdf01000 stands for Windows Driver Framework 01000 and occurs when new hardware or software is installed on the system. This will cause the download of drivers associated with … Read more

How to Repair PFN_LIST_CORRUPT Blue Screen on Windows

If your computer experiences a hardware failure or a serious software problem, you will see the infamous Blue Screen of Death error and your computer will restart. Errors of this type can sometimes appear on Windows 10 and are quite serious. Therefore, it is important to get them repaired as soon as possible. Since these … Read more

How to Fix BSOD BAD_POOL_HEADER Windows Error

The BAD_POOL_HEADER error (code “0x00000019”) is one of those dire blue screen of death (BSOD) problems that can scare you into believing that your computer is almost at the door. The good news is that this is not the case, as the problem in question has been fairly resolved. Read on to find out how … Read more