lsalso.exe High Usage [Quick Solution for Windows 10/11]

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lsalso.exe is a process that runs every time you log into Windows 10. This process is used by the credential guard service. If you use multiple accounts on your computer, it could consume a lot of resources. You can find out what is causing this issue by opening Task Manager and looking at the Processes tab. Then look for lsalso.exe and see how much memory and CPU it is consuming.

If you want to stop lsalso.exe from running, follow these steps:

1. Open Start Menu and type cmd.exe in the search box.

2. Right-click cmd.exe and select Run As Administrator.

3. Type netplwiz /showallusers and press Enter.

4. Find the name of the user whose credentials are being protected and open up the Properties window for that user.

5. Click Advanced Settings and uncheck Load User Profile.

What Is LSAISO Process?

LSAISO stands for Local Security Authority Interactive Service Online. This process, which runs under Windows Server 2003/2008 R2, is used to encrypt and decrypt files stored locally on a computer running Microsoft Windows operating systems.

LSASS is the Local Security Authority Subsystem Service. It provides access control lists (ACLs), auditing, and security event logging.

VSM (Virtual Secure Mode) isolates processes that contain sensitive data. These include programs such as antivirus software and backup applications.

The LSAISO process stores one copy of the encryption key for the local secure area. When you start up the system, it uses this key to encrypt certain files. If someone tries to open those files, they won’t be able to read them because they don’t know the correct decryption key.

Possible Reason for High CPU Use by LSAISO Process

The Windows operating system uses a number of processes to perform different tasks. One such task is managing the low level storage area (LSA). This is where data is stored on the hard disk and helps keep track of files and folders. In some cases, certain applications and drivers try to add additional functionality to the LSA process. However, this could lead to instability in the entire system.

There are many ways to fix this problem. Users should make sure that no application or driver is triggering this issue before taking any steps. If you find out that one of the abovementioned programs is responsible for the high LSAISO process CPU usage, you can take the following measures:

• Disable the program

• Uninstall the program

• Remove the file manually

• Use another method to clean up the registry

Solution 1. Use the Process of Elimination

If your computer starts acting weirdly, it could be because there are multiple applications running in the background. You might think that just closing down those programs is enough, but sometimes a rogue application is still accessing system resources even though it isn’t open anymore. In this case, you’ll want to use the process of elimination to figure out what’s causing the issue.

Step 1: First, make sure that none of your apps are installed on another device. If one of them is, move it over to your main machine.

Step 2: Check for malware. Malware can cause issues with your PC by slowing it down or crashing it entirely. Look up “malware removal software” online to see if you have any infections.

Step 3: Run a virus scan. A good antivirus program will run regularly without affecting performance, and it’ll usually find anything that’s been hiding in your system.

Step 4: Reboot. Rebooting clears away temporary files that aren’t needed anymore, and it’ll reset everything to default settings. This step doesn’t always work, however, so don’t give up too quickly.

Step 5: Reinstall drivers. Drivers are pieces of hardware that help your computer function properly. Sometimes, a malfunctioning driver causes problems with Windows. Try reinstalling the driver manually, or try downloading a compatible version from the manufacturer’s website.

Step 6: Update your operating system. Your OS needs to be updated every now and again to keep it current. Make sure that you’re using the latest version of Windows 10, 8, 7, Vista or XP.

Updated: February 2025

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  • Step 1 : Install PC Repair & Optimizer Tool (Windows 11, 10, 8, 7, XP, Vista).
  • Step 2 : Click Start Scan to find out what issues are causing PC problems.
  • Step 3 : Click on Repair All to correct all issues.


Solution 2. Check for Queued APCs

A common problem with Windows 10 PCs is that they freeze up unexpectedly. When this happens, it’s usually because there are some processes running in the background that aren’t responding to input correctly. This issue can be fixed with a simple reboot, but sometimes rebooting isn’t enough. In those cases, we recommend downloading and installing the free tool called Reimage Plus. With this program, you can scan and repair corrupt files, clean registry entries, uninstall unnecessary programs, optimize disk space, and much more. You can find out how to do these things yourself, but if you want professional help, you can use our guide to solve PC problems quickly and easily.

RECOMMENATION: Click here for help with Windows errors.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is LSA ISO?

lsaiso is a malicious program used to carry out illegal activities such as data theft, identity theft, banking fraud, etc. This type of malware usually uses social engineering techniques to convince victims to download it. Once installed, it starts spreading itself via removable devices like USB drives, CDs, DVDs, etc.

How do I know if my computer is infected with LSA ISO?

If you suspect that your device might be infected with this infection, try running a free scan with our online scanner. Is LSA ISO dangerous?

Yes, because once installed, it spreads rapidly throughout your system and can cause serious damage to your files and registry. Also, it can steal personal information such as passwords, credit card numbers, bank account details, etc.

How can I prevent myself from being infected with LSA ISO again?

Is Lsass.exe Safe?

There are many different ways to install programs on Windows 10. One way is to download files directly from Microsoft’s servers, another is to use a third-party installer like 7-Zip. A third method is to run a program called Lsass.exe. This tool allows you to uninstall programs without having to delete individual registry keys. If you don’t know what it does, here’s how to find out.

Lsass.exe is located in %ProgramFiles%\Microsoft\Windows\Appx\Uninstall.exe. You can open this file with Notepad or similar text editor. In there, you’ll see a list of installed apps. Each app is listed with a name, version number, publisher, description, size, date installed, and whether it’s enabled or disabled.

If you look closely, you’ll notice that some entries have two versions: one for 32-bit systems, and one for 64-bit systems. For example, the entry for Office 2016 reads:

Office 16.0.7100.1000 x64 English (United States).appx

Office 16.0_8.0.7601.17514 x86 English (United States).cab

The second version is for 64-bit computers. On 32-bit machines, the office app won’t work. But if you try to launch it, you’ll get a pop-up window asking if you really want to open it.

This is because the program uses a feature called Side-by-Side Execution. When you double-click a.exe file, it runs normally. However, if you double-click a folder containing multiple.exe files, the system automatically launches each one separately. To avoid this behavior, the operating system adds a checkbox next to each executable file. By checking the box, you tell Windows to treat the file as a single application.

On Windows 10, can Lsass.exe be deleted?

Lsass.exe is one of those programs you don’t want to delete because it plays an important role in Windows OS. If you accidentally delete it, you might experience some problems. You should know how to uninstall Lsass.exe properly.