- Download and install the software.
- It will scan your computer for problems.
- The tool will then fix the issues that were found.
What is APSDaemon.exe?
APSDaemon.exe is a program that is included with Apple Applications Support Database. This program is used to help manage the storage of application data files.
The main purpose of APSDaemon.Exe is to store information about applications installed on your computer. In addition, it stores information about the programs that you use most frequently.
If you do not wish to receive such messages, you can simply delete APSDaemon. Exe. However, if you choose to keep the program, you can prevent unwanted popups from occurring.
You can find APSDaemon. exe in the following locations:
How to Remove APSDaemon.xefile
To uninstall APSDaemon. xefile, please follow the steps below:
Is APSDaemon.exe safe to run? Is it a virus or malware?
APSDaemon.exe is one of those files you download from the internet without thinking twice about it. But is it really safe to run? In fact, there are many reasons why you shouldn’t run it. So let’s take a look at what APSDaemon.exe actually is and how it affects your computer.
What is APSDaemon.Exe?
APSDaemon is a program used to manage applications installed on Windows. This tool allows you to uninstall apps, change settings, and even move them around. However, some people don’t realize that installing this app could cause serious problems.
Why Should I Not Run APSDaemon.EXE?
If you’re unfamiliar with APSDaemon. Exe, here are three things you should know:
1. APSDaemon. EXE is a trojan horse. A trojan horse is a type of malicious software that looks like something else. When someone downloads a legitimate application, such as Adobe Reader, they might unknowingly install a trojan horse. Once the trojan is installed, it changes the way your PC works. For example, it could send data to another server.
2. APSDaemon isn’t just a trojan. It’s also a backdoor. A backdoor is a piece of malicious software that gives hackers remote access to your system. Hackers can use this backdoor to steal information or spy on you.
How To Remove or Uninstall APSDaemon.exe
APSDaemon.exe is a malicious program which is responsible for sending unwanted emails to other people. This malware is often bundled with “Apple App Store” apps. If you are experiencing problems like slow PC performance, system crashes, browser redirecting issues etc., it might be due to presence of APSDaemon. You must know how to uninstall the app safely. Here we provide step by step guide to remove APSDaemon. exe from Windows 10, 8, 7, Vista, XP & Mac OS X.
Step 1 – Launch Command Prompt window by pressing Win+R key combination. Type cmd into the opened box and press OK button.
Step 2 – Now type the following command into the prompt window and hit Enter key.
Step 3 – Once inside the folder, delete all files related to APSDaemon.
Step 4 – Restart your computer and check whether the problem still exists.
If you face any issue while uninstalling APSDaemon. Exe, please let us know via comments section given below. We will try our best to help you out.
Updated: March 2025
We highly recommend that you use this tool for your error. Furthermore, this tool detects and removes common computer errors, protects you from loss of files, malware, and hardware failures, and optimizes your device for maximum performance. This software will help you fix your PC problems and prevent others from happening again:
- Step 1 : Install PC Repair & Optimizer Tool (Windows 11, 10, 8, 7, XP, Vista).
- Step 2 : Click Start Scan to find out what issues are causing PC problems.
- Step 3 : Click on Repair All to correct all issues.
Method 1: The Apple Mobile service should be set to Automatic
Some Windows Updates are causing problems with the Apple Mobile service. If you’re having trouble getting the Apple Mobile service to start automatically, try setting it to “Automatic”. You’ll want to do this while logged into your Mac. Here’s how:
1. Open System Preferences
2. Click on Users & Groups
3. Select Login Options
4. Under Login Items, select the Apple Mobile service entry
5. Make sure “Start Automatically” is selected
6. Save changes
7. Log out and log back in again
8. Try starting the Apple Mobile service manually.
If the Apple Mobile service still won’t start, restart your Mac.
Method 2: Using the official instructions to uninstall
To uninstall iTunes, follow these simple instructions:
1. Press Windows key + R
2. Type appwiz into the run box
3. Click on programs and features
4. Under publisher, select any apple software product and click uninstall
5. Open another run box and type %ProgramFiles%
6. Delete the following folders:
iTunes Music Library
iTunes Application Support
7. Reboot your computer
8. Reinstall iTunes
9. Restart your computer
10. Enjoy your newly uninstalled iTunes
Method 3: Using a System Restore point
If you are experiencing issues while updating to iOS 12.4, follow these steps to restore your device to a previous version of iOS. If you don’t know how to use a System Restore point, check out our guide here.
1. 2. Tap Restart Now
3. When prompted, confirm that you want to erase everything on your iPhone/iPad
4. Wait for it to finish erasing your data
5. Once complete, tap Update Software
6. Follow the instructions onscreen to install the latest software update
RECOMMENATION: Click here for help with Windows errors.
Frequently Asked Questions
We are constantly updating our FAQ section with questions we receive about how to use the app. If you don’t see your question here, please submit it via email to [email protected].
Is APSDaemon a Virus or Malware?
APSDaemon is a program that claims to help people clean up their computers. But it doesn’t actually do anything useful. Instead, it downloads malware onto your machine. And it does so without asking permission. So how did it get installed?
The answer isn’t clear. There are no obvious signs that APSDaemon was installed intentionally. However, it seems likely that someone downloaded the installer file from an unreliable source. Then, once inside the system, APSDaemon used deceptive tactics to trick unsuspecting users into installing it.
If you’re worried that your computer might be infected with APSDaemon, here’s what you can do to check whether it’s safe to use.
First, download a reputable anti-malware program like ESET Smart Security Free Edition. If you find that APSDaemon is already running, you’ll see a notification telling you that it’s been detected. You can safely delete it.
Next, run a full virus scan on your system. Make sure you choose “Full Scan,” rather than just checking for active threats. Also make sure that you select “System Files Only.”
Finally, reboot your computer and try again. If APSDaemon reappears, you’ve probably found a way to install it. In that case, you’ll want to uninstall it immediately.
Is APSDaemon causing High Disk Usage?
APSDaemon uses a large amount of disk space. If you are experiencing high disk usage, it might be caused by APSDaemon. This article describes how to find out whether APSDaemon is consuming too much disk space.
You can use the following command to list all processes running on your computer:
tasklist /FI “IMAGENAME eq apsd”
This command lists every process whose name contains “apsd”. For example, here is what I got for my Windows 10 PC:
Image Name PID Session Name Path
Is APSDaemon causing High CPU Usage?
APSDaemon is a daemons process which runs in the Background and monitor all incoming and outgoing network traffic. It uses a lot of memory & cpu resources. If you are getting high CPU usage while using APSDaemon, it could be because there are too many open TCP/IP connections. You can use “netstat -anp | grep LISTEN” command to check how much connections are opened.
If you want to stop APSDaemon permanently, follow these steps:
1. Open Terminal window.
2. Type “sudo killall apsd”.
3. Press Enter key.
4. Wait for some seconds.
5. Check whether APSDaemon is running again.
6. If APSDaemon is still running, type “sudo killall apdsd” again.
7. Repeat step 5.
8. Restart your computer.
9. Enjoy a better performance.
Is APSDaemon causing High Network Usage?
APSDaemon is a tool used to monitor network activity in macOS. This is helpful for monitoring bandwidth consumption, but it can cause some problems. In this article we’ll show you how to stop APSDaemon from consuming too much disk space and network resources.
How to check GPU Usage of APSDaemon?
APSD stands for Application Performance Service Daemon. This process runs in the background and monitors system performance metrics. If you are experiencing slow application response times, it could be because the APSD daemon is consuming too much of your computer resources. You can use the following steps to find out how much memory the APSDaemon is taking up.
1. Open the Task Manager window.
2. Click on the Processes tab.
3. Select the APSDaemon process name.
4. In the Details section, look for the Memory column.
5. Look for the amount of RAM used by the APSDaemon.
6. Close the task manager window.